About Carloway – Mu Chàrlabhagh?

Our Carloway Community below the Carloway flag

Situated on the west coast of the Isle of Lewis in the Outer Hebrides, Carloway district has a population of around 500.

The district has eight townships: Dalmore, Upper Carloway & Park, Garenin, Borrowston, Knock, Kirivick, Doune and Tolsta Chaolais.

The area is picturesque and has one of the Island’s finest beaches at Dalmore. Loch Carloway provides a sheltered harbour and has a pier which is used by creel-fishing boats. There are also a number of historic sites, including the Iron Age Doune Carloway Broch and the restored blackhouse village of Gearrannan.

There are annual community events such as the Carloway Show. First held in 1911, the Show is held on the first Wednesday of August. A more recent addition to the calendar is the community walk on New Year’s Day to the top of a local hill, Beinn Iomhair, to hoist the Carloway flag.

Getting to Carloway

From Stornoway, you can take the road north through Barvas or take the southerly route through Callanish. The distance is 24 miles to Carloway Bridge in both cases. There is also a single-track moorland road, the Pentland Road, which crosses the moor directly to Carloway, a distance of about 18 miles. The road is good for cyclists but less good for car springs!

Mu Chàrlabhagh

Tha sgìre Chàrlabhaigh air taobh siar Leòdhais anns na h-Eileanan Siar. Tha mu 500 neach a’ fuireach innte.

Tha ochd bailtean anns an sgìre: Dail Mòr, Mullach Chàrlabhaigh ’s a’ Phàirc, Na Geàrrannan, Borghastan, An Cnoc, Cirbhig, An Dùn agus Tolastadh a’ Chaolais.

Tha an sgìre bòidheach, le aon de na tràghadan as brèagha an Leòdhas ann an Dail Mòr. ’S e cala fasgach a th’ ann an Loch Chàrlabhaigh, le cidhe a th’ air a chleachdadh le bàtaichean chliabh. Tha àireamh de làraichean eachdraidheil san sgìre cuideachd, gu sònraichte an Dùn Mhòr bho Linn an Iarainn agus taighean-dubha nan Geàrrannan.

Tha tachartasan coimhearsnachd bliadhnail san sgìre, mar eisimpleir Fèill Àiteachais Chàrlabhaigh a chaidh a stèidheachadh ann an 1911. Tha an fhèill air a’ chaid Diciadan den Lùnastal gach bliadhna. Cuideachd, tha cuairt choimhearsnachd ga cumail gach Latha Bliadhn’ Ùire suas gu mullach cnuic, Beinn Ìomhair, gus bratach Chàrlabhaigh a chur ri crann.

A’ faighinn gu Càrlabhagh

À Steòrnabhagh, faodaidh tu a dhol tuath tro Bharabhas no deas tro Chalanais. Tha gach slighe 24 mìle a dh’fhad gu Drochaid Chàrlabhaigh. Tha rathad aon-fhillte, Rathad a’ Phentland, nas giorra aig 18 mìle seach gu bheil e a’ gabhail còmhnard tarsainn na mòintich, ach tha e gu math garbh agus trom air càraichean.